

Ally Hydrogen Energy e Memeloa ho Kenela Letoto la Pontšo ea Mokhatlo oa China Gas.


Ka la 14 Loetse, "2023 24th China International Gas Equipment, Technology and Application Exhibition" le "2023 China International Hydrogen Energy, Hydrogen Refueling Station le Fuel Cell Equipment and Technology Exhibition" e tšehelitsoeng ke Mokhatlo oa China Gas li ile tsa buloa ka bokhabane Chengdu Century City New. Setsi sa Machaba sa Kopano le Lipontšo.


Mokete oa ho bula pontšo


Baetsi ba koahela lik'hamphani tse tsebahalang tsa khase ea malapeng, likhoebo tsa matla a hydrogen le likhoebo tsa tlhahiso ea thepa, joalo-joalo E le khoebo e etellang pele indastering ea tlhahiso ea haedrojene ea malapeng, Ally Hydrogen Energy o ile a memeloa ke mohlophisi hore a kenye letsoho pontšong eo, 'me a bontša ka mafolofolo botekgeniki. matla le katleho e ncha ea Ally tšimong ea matla a haedrojene.


Tafole ea lehlabathe la indasteri ea matla a hydrogen


Hohela tlhokomelo le thahasello ea baeti ba bangata


Sehlopha sa Ally Hydrogen se etsa lipuisano tse tebileng le litsebi tsa indasteri


Ka kopanelo buisanang ka menyetla ea ntlafatso le menyetla ea tšebelisano-'moho tšimong ea matla a haedrojene


Zhang Chaoxiang, motlatsi oa molaoli kakaretso oa Setsi sa Khoebo sa Ally, o ile a botsoa lipotso ke komiti ea tlhophiso.

Letsatsing le qalang la pontšo, Zhang Chaoxiang, motlatsi oa mookameli oa Ally Marketing Center, le eena o ile a amohela puisano le komiti ea tlhophiso, 'me Monghali Zhang a re: Joaloka khoebo ea matla a hydrogen ea lilemo li 23, Ally o tla tsoela pele ho ba teng. ikemiseditse ho R&D le tshebediso ya thekenoloji ya eneji ya haedrojene nakong e tlang, le ho etsa tlatsetso e kgolo ho hodisa ntshetsopele le ntshetsopele ya moshwelella ya eneji e hlwekileng!

--Iteanye le rona--

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E-mail: tech@allygas.com

Nako ea poso: Sep-15-2023

Lethathamo la Kenyeletso ea Theknoloji

Boemo ba Feedstock

Tlhokahalo ea Sehlahisoa

Tlhokahalo ea Setsebi